Sunday 16 February 2014

contents page mock ups

This are mock ups of my contents page, i have tried using both double page spread and a single page spread. I found that using a double page gives a lot of space to right, however you end up with empty space and information which is not useful in order to fill up the spaces.
Using a single page on the other hand sometimes did not leave enough room to put all my information nd a lot has had to be squished in.  

Friday 14 February 2014

development of my contents page

This is the development of my contents page, this shows things i changed and what i moved around

Thursday 6 February 2014

Contents page

For my Contents page I want to use images from when i went to a concert, and write a review about the concert. I will be writing a review about an Arctic monkeys concert, it will be asking people at the concert whether they enjoyed it or if it met up to their expectations. I would like to do this because the genre of my magazine is rock, people who listen to this genre of music are known for going to concerts, gigs and festivals. I believe this will attract the target audience I want. I also think the photos taken below are of a good enough quality to be in the contents page 

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Magazine content pages

Creating my final front cover

After making a number of magazine drafts, I have chosen this as my final front cover, i compared my mock ups to other magazines such as NME and Q to see how they had layed-out there front cover and the conventions they used. I noticed that rock magazines have minimum information and simply rely on the image. i wanted to make my magazine look as professional as possible so i followed similar conventions to well known rock magazines